Seeds of Peace: Tikkun Olam [Healing the World]

Healing the World is known in the (Hebrew) Language of Kabbalah as “Tikkun Olam.”

“The light of the body is the eye: if therefore thine eye be single, the whole body shall be full of light.” (Matt. 6:22)

It is time for us to have faith in the unseen until such time as the path to peace between Israelis and Palestinians reveals itself, and I would like to say — in the perspective I share with Saryon Michael White ~ ~ that it is time for us to communicate as if there are no barriers. Let us speak to our friends, and families and beyond … aloud and “silently and see who is listening actively to our thought waves. Let’s practice listening for inner signals from others. And … let’s see everyone as a reflection of ourselves. This is part of the practice of oneness. It involves more than just seeing all beings as equals … It is a focus of compassion and empathy that will … take us deeper into the presence of a collective heart that is everywhere and a part of every relationship.”

“Our father who art everywhere…”

A more accurate translation of the that famous verse from “The Lord’s Prayer,” which at long last takes us out of being in separateness  from the God / Universal Consciousness / All That Is 🙂 is — as I have learned from Gregg Braden , who has studied the Aramaic — “Our father who art everywhere.”

Mahalo and Namaste

As they say in Hawai’i, “Mahalo”: May we ALL be held in the breath of God ~ Namaste is a UNIVERSAL greeting meaning (the short version) that: The divinity in me sees and recognizes the divinity in you …

Symbols of Religions_We Are All Connected in Empathy

Tikkun Olam


“Tikkun olam is a Hebrew phrase that means “repairing the world” which suggests humanity’s shared responsibility to heal, repair and transform the world. In Judaism, the concept of tikkun olam originated in the early rabbinic period. The concept was given new meanings in the Kabbalah…”


I, “Theta Networker,” write this in celebration 🙂 of the establishment of this newest of my WP blogs. My name is Al and this is the “short version” of why I have (finally) been moved to “branch out” and write this one in addition to, and …